What do the top B2B content marketers have in common?
It turns out that it has less to do about what kind of marketing tactics they’re using, and more about the attributes that many successful content marketers share.
To make sure that you’re in the right mindset for generating leads and conversions from your content, here are the 12 habits of wildly successful B2B content marketers from The Marketing Insider Group.
Every day there are thousands, if not millions, of content marketers out there trying out the latest tactic or tool. But, at the end of the day, none of those matter unless you have someone that truly understands how to be an effective marketer. More so, your organization needs to be bought into the idea and process of content marketing.
Think of it this way. It doesn’t matter how amazing or high-powered a car is, if the person in the driver’s seat doesn’t know what they’re doing then the car’s power is rendered useless. The most successful marketers in the world share these habits for a reason, and to ignore them would mean to expect less than optimal results as a marketer and an organization.
What do you think of this list? Have any habits of yours you’d like to share? Tell us in the comments below!